Thursday, 15 August 2013

New British Union

Fascism originated in Italy, under the leadership of  Benito Mussolini. Its name — not its ideology — is in part derived from  certain revolutionary workers groups in Italy at the end of the 19th century,  fasci revoluzionari (= revolutionary groups). When Mussolini started his  movement in 1919, he called his first Fascist groups Fasci di Combattimento (=  combat groups).

As it happens, the  similar-sounding Latin word fasces (signifying a bunch of whipping canes, bound  around an execution axe) was an established Roman symbol of power. In early  Rome, the entire contraption used to be displayed ritually before the powerful  Roman consuls, who before 300 BC had the sole power to pass judgement as well as  to mete out punishment (whipping by cane or beheading by axe). After 300 BC this  combined judiciary and executive power came to an end, when Roman justice was  reformed. But this didn’t bother Mussolini, who used pictures of fasces as his  own symbols of dictatorial power. Hence the word fascism has two  “separate but equal” roots: the Italian word fasci and the Roman (Latin)  fasces.
Nazism is a contraction  of the German word Nationalsozialismus (derived from the official German name of  Hitler’s party, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP). It  stands for the totalitarian and racist pseudo-ideology under which the Adolf  Hitler’s German Third Reich was ruthlessly  governed.During the 1930′s, political  analysts in the democratic West were horrified by both of these antidemocratic  creeds, Italian fascism as well as German Nazism. But they took care to keep  them conceptually apart.However, this was  not the case in Stalin’s Soviet Union, because the full name of the Soviet Union  has one word element in common with Nazism (Nationalsozialismus), the word  socialism — USSR is read out as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  Stalin, who saw himself as communist and socialist (and who in other respects  was just as murderous and totalitarian as Hitler), was opposed to the competing  totalitarian ideology of Nazism (= Nationalsozialismus). But he didn’t want to  use the word in his anti-Nazi  propaganda, because it contained a “good” element — “socialism”.So from the 1930′s onwards a  curious situation arose: when the West lashed out against Fascists, they meant  Mussolini’s Italians, but when the Soviets expressed anger against the Fascists,  they meant Hitler’s Germans. Communists in other countries followed the  Soviet-established political vocabulary, using the word “Fascist” when they  actually meant “Nazi”.
This difference in political  terminology remained in place even after the war. The West celebrated its  victory over Nazism, while parades were held in Moscow in honour of the glorious  Red Army that had vanquished fascism. Both just meant the same thing — that  they were happy to be rid of Hitler. When discussing historical  WWII events during the post-war years, you could easily tell if the speaker or  writer was inspired by communism. If he or she talked about Nazis as “Fascists”,  then the argument or point of view had in all probability originated in  Moscow.
Both Fascism and  Nazism are founded on new nationalist ideas, but this does not justify confusing  them or treating them as identical. Mussolini’s  Fascism had a political ideology, Hitler’s Nazism, was not based on much else  other than blind racial hatred and purification, efficient militarism, and  ruthless application of totalitarian power in the interest of the Master  Race.The Italian fascists regarded  both parliamentary democracy and socialist class struggle as elements that were  bound to cause divisiveness in a nation. Hence they introduced the idea of  corporatism, a kind of modernised version of the medieval guild system. Here  representatives of all trades and industries, employers as well as employees,  could settle matters based on mutual understanding. Unfortunatly Corporatism  today has been bastardised and is in control of the so called democratic  capitalist cartels, where workers rights have be negated in the name of profit  for their corporate paymasters.In general, fascism was an  appreciably lighter version of the anti-democratic system than Nazism. Fascist  Italy never became completely totalitarian, nor did it commit mass murder the  like the Nazis’. The monarchy was intact and the bureaucracy, the military and  the church remained as complementary power centres. Originally there was no  racism or anti Semitism in Italian fascism. Due to Hitler’s controlling  influence this changed toward the end of Mussolini’s  governance. Is there any point in  differentiating between these two? There is, whatever Stalin and the communists  may have said in the past, it is hardly fair to the victims of Nazism by  euphemistically renaming their Nazi murderers, making them look like Fascists’.  The modern day political elite have taken and continued this smear by adopting  the Nazi adage of “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,  pe